Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Dreams and Freud

Something that has always fasanated me is dreams. I often record and look up my own dreams. Freud says that the images tht we see in our head while we are dream are not exactly what these dreams mean. "Materical has to be turned into this form for dreams, since dreams don't say things they show things" (Barry 99). For example if you were to dream about shoes the shoe would have a deeper meaning you would not acctualy be dreaming about shoes. He also says that we always dream about our represed diesires which means that we dream about what we secretly and unconsiously want. I thought it would be cool to analyize one of my own dreams according to Freud. A few night ago I had a dream that my sister had a baby girl. Dreams according to Freud are broken down into a few parts. The first being association. Babies are oftern associated with the new, new advernture and new begingings. I had this dream the night before I started rehearsal for a new show witch would definatly make sence. To be honest I have no idea what it means that my sister was having a baby and not me if my life was taking a new turn. But perhaps that baby girl was me. If i was the one having the new beginging then what better way to start off new then to be born again. Analyzing my dreams is somthing that i do on a regualr basis because I find it so fasnating.
Something else that I found intersting in the Freud section was the freudian slip. I must say that I have oftern done this. According to Barry it is "whereby repressed materical in the unconsciousfinds an outlet through such everyday phenomena as slips of the tounge, slips of the pen, or unintended actions" (Barry 98). For example one time I was reading in class and the word was organism and I said the word orgasim. EMBARACING! But i can think of at least 4 people who have done the same exact thing.

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