Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Ok so I think that I like this book. It definalty kept me reading for a good 100 pages or so. When I as reading it all I could think was wow what would Freud say? So I am going to give this reading a Freud analaysis. One part that I found to be interesting was when he was telling her to stop she responeded with if you wanted me to stop you would have pushed me off. SHe told him he was not in fact druged at all and was stronger then both of the women who were performing sexual acts on him. Perhaps Freud would say that his subconscious was coming out. Meaning that he did not want to stop because without him knowing it he wanted to have sex with this docter and nurse. Lacan on the other hand would say that he is always living in the subconscious and that there is nothing but that. Something that I also found very interesting is that they also used some Freudian terms such as the "I" and the Id. They told him that basically that these sexualy acts will cause him to remember what these things are. It will help him to regain his lost memory. This book is definalty intersting so far. I was not really sure where they were going with it at first. I don't really understand it completly so far and I cannot really tell if this book is about Feminism or not yet. I do not think i have read far enough to come to that decision. The women in the book are definatly very intersting characters and I look forward to reading the rest of the book.

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