Wednesday, September 10, 2008

My First Blog

My name is Jenna Malavasi and I am currently a Jr here at Emmanuel. I am a double major in Theatre and English Literature. I am currently directing my own show here at Emmanuel called "The Town Mouse Country Mouse Musical". This is my first class that directly focuses on theory but not the first time that I have ever been exposed to the concept of theory. While taking Persuasive Stratiges with Christopher Craig we explored many theories such as Marxism. I have also taken classes that have discused music theory. I have decided to that for my blog I would take the theroryies that we are learning about in class and apply it to plays and shows that I have seen or read. When I think of theory I think of complexity. Theories to me are ideas that can be taken and applyed to things in our everyday life. That is why I have chosen to apply these theories to something in my everyday life, theater. I feel that bringing the two together will give me a greater understanding of both. The whole purpose of my studying English was to connect my love of Literature with my love of theater and to learn how to bring the two together. I hope to come put with a greater understanding or theory, espically how it relates to plays and theater.

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