Thursday, September 25, 2008

Responce to Christopher Craig

So first off may I say that I remember you talking about the pants story in persuasive statigies last semister and I remember secertly thinking that I did not really understand completly what you were talking about. Probably because I didn't really have a good understanding of what Marxism really was. After talking about it in class I now understand that story a lot better then I did last year. Although I still do not know what exactly "Robin's Il Penser" is. I am a believer that the society around us molds who we are. It is inevitable that we as humans will be influenced by our surroundings. But for a person to think that buying a pair of jeans and a book makes them radical is a completly ridculous thought to me. It reminds me of many trends that we have seen in the past few years. The one that jumps into my mind is the Live Strong Bracletts. At first it was a statement to help battle cancer. Celeberties would wear them and soon it became such a trend that you had to buy them on e-bay for 20 times the price meaning that none of the money went to cancer but instead to the person who bought the bracelt for a dollar and made 19 dollars on it. The bracelts lost all meaning and became just a trend. When you put a book about communism next to a trendy pair of jeans the book automaticaly becomes a trend and therefore loses the meaning that the author was trying to express to the reader. I guarntee you that many people walked into that store saw the pants and immidently picked up the book to skim it. Yet if the book had been in the corner of the store it was definatly less likely to have been picked up by the shoper that day. Overall I think that is a terrible thing and the worst part it that I know what store you are talking about without you having to say it.

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