Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Taking theory has honselty opened my eyes to a lot of new things. I know it sounds cheesy but I love taking these theoirs and relating them to real life. I have caught myself many times sittting at dinner talking to my friend Max about the theories and discussing what we think about them. That probably now makes me a theory dork but I don't care. One of my favorite theories this semeister was Feminism. I was astonished to hear that contitutional women do not have the same rights as men. I thought that was so awful and it makes me accaulty want to study feminism further and perhaps become a femisnist myself. Another thing that I really enjoyed was the blog. I loved readings what other people thought about what we were learing in class. It really helped me to undetstand the theories better becasue I was able to go and look at different opinions about what they ment and from that was able to draw conclusions on what I take them to mean. Overall I thought the blog was a very useful took and should be used in futrue classes.

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