Wednesday, December 3, 2008

What Feminism is to me

First I would like to thank Tonya Krouse for her wonderful blog post. It was really a great introduction to what Femisim is. To be honset I have never really thought what what feminism is before. I can honselty say I never considered them to be big hairy lesbians but of course I have heard of the sterotypes before, but never really thought them to be true espically because my sister is a feminist and is niether a lesbian nor hairy. Something that I had to bring up in this blog that we talked about in class was that I learned that Women do NOT have the same constitutional rights as men and can legally be discrimated against. Meaning that legally a man and a woman can work the same job and the woman can legally get paid less. That was the thing that really opened my eyes to Feminsm. Krouse talks about "masclinist discourse" She talkes about how in our society the women are suppsed to be beautiful and nurturing. They can be seen as objects rather then as people. One of the examples she brought up that I was also thinking of was in Mantissa. In Mantissa the muse was this beautiful women that was only there to inspire the man who was an author. After gathering all this information I have come to some concluions asto what Feminsim is to be. To me it is equal rights for both men and women. It is also having a sence of who you are based on what you learned about yourseld and not what society has made you.

1 comment:

pelipuff said...

I have to agree with your post. I must admit that I too was surprised in class when we found out that women's right never really had been passed yet. It amazes me to think how far this nation has come in terms of equality - especially since our founding fathers based this nation on the idea that all people will be created equal. Well, if we are supposed to equal, then how come there is still a difference between man and woman? Are we really living up to our expectations by not creating equal rights for all?